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Pieces is Netti’s most suspenseful work yet.The complex nature of the plot makes Pieces a seriously chilling work driven by a dark energy and Maddy’s increasing self-doubt. I strongly recommend this thriller, but I suggest you read it during daylight hours. Megan Davidson, author of The Thundering

About John Netti


John is an award-winning author who published Cupid, The Glades, The Ledger, Jacobi Park, and soon-to-be-released, Pieces. He spent the early years of his career as a rehabilitation counselor offering a hand to people in need. Some took it, and John was privileged to share their journeys.

He learned of human suffering, tragedies, and life’s victories from them, but most of all, he realized we share a never-ending quest to be known. John tries to make his characters known to his readers, even if for a little while. He enjoys writing fast-paced fiction that draws readers into a story, allowing them to experience it as though they were there.


 Ex-detective Maddy Reynolds can’t escape her reputation and finds herself in the crosshairs of the FBI’s most notorious serial killer, Amos Whitfield. Why? Because, like in the Old West, the fastest gun is the trophy.

Whitfield comes to Berry Lake, and before he takes down the famous detective to carve another notch in his belt, he leaves a trail of death in her town, taking body parts from his victims for his collection. He taunts Maddy, making it clear he’ll be coming after her.

Maddy has been out of the bad guy business and has little time to whip herself into shape before facing her most terrifying opponent.

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The Ledger

Release Date, June 8th, 2023

Maddy Reynolds can’t escape the world of criminals and harm’s way, no matter how hard she tries. After leaving her job in Upstate NY, the retired detective moves to the…

Jacobi Park

Upcoming Book

It’s a scorching July afternoon, and police officer Mike Havlicek is called to an incident near the statue in Jacobi Park. He’s expecting to find a couple of kids fighting, but the park’s groundskeeper is insane for no apparent reason, and ambulance med techs are holding him down….

The Glades

Upcoming Book

Maddy has had enough of blood-smeared floors, heads dangling from rubbery necks and glazed over eyes. Biding her time and waiting for…



In 1964, 12-year-old Maddy Reynolds kneeled at her father’s grave and promised to follow in his footsteps to become a detective. James Reynolds was…


Cupid Reviews

Kept me in suspense throughout the book! Not until the author wanted me to know who Cupid was, did I figure it out. I love a good mystery read, and this proved to be a great one. I finished it in just a few days! I’ll be looking for more from Netti.


Cupid is a riveting , page turning thriller. Plan to set aside a few hours to read as it’s hard to put down. I found myself cheering for Maddy in her pursuit of Cupid. Hang on for a wild ride and a nail-biting finish. I would love to see this book as part of a series.


Oh, my goodness, I couldn’t put this book down. I became absorbed into the characters personalities, past and present blend for an exciting read. Looking forward to the future series of John’s stories.


Cupid is far from your classical sweetheart story. This is a fast-paced thriller exposing a heinous hunter who becomes the hunted. A real page turner by an emerging author … John Netti.


I’m an avid reader and this book was a page turner. Great character development and felt a real connection with Maddie, the main character in this suspenseful story. Strongly recommend. You won’t be able to put it down.


Great book from a first-time author. It’s easy to lose yourself in the story. The captivating characters draw you into the suspense. I can’t wait for the sequel!


Cupid is a very well-written, suspenseful thriller with as many surprises as Christmas morning. The clever author will keep you — and the detective protagonist — guessing about the identity of the killer until well into the book. One of the most intriguing aspects of the novel is the cast of helpful, unusual characters who supports the detective in her search for justice. It’s also nice to see an intelligent, determined female main character who never gives up, even when she becomes the killer’s target. This difficult time of our lives is the perfect time to sit down with a good mystery, and this compelling thriller will not disappoint.

Megan Davidson, Author and Writing Instructor

I couldn’t put it down. Cupid is a classic cop chasing the criminal drama, except who is really chasing who? Fresh insights, lots of plot twists, and great characters make this book a must-read!


The Glades Reviews

Every now and then I read a novel that is just about flawless in its concept and execution, and that is indeed the case with The Glades. It’s clear that John Netti has put a lot of thought into the flow of his story, the timing involved, and the rise of suspense that runs throughout the work. But that’s not all. The characters are engrossing and well-defined, especially the protagonist, Maddy Reynolds, a retired police detective. The plot builds quickly, and the pace is brisk throughout. The story begins with Maddy’s attempt to build a new life for herself in the Adirondack mountains, a task that is more complicated than she imagines. When she meets Avery Jordan, a wealthy playboy who owns a magnificent mountain-top resort called The Glades, she cannot understand why someone of his background he is so interested in her. But what exactly is his background? Why is the Glades virtually closed to the public for most of the year? When locals go missing and turn up dead, Maddy is hard-pressed to put the pieces of this puzzle together. Is it all a matter of coincidence? Or something much, much more sinister? A troubled young man named Hector tries to help her unravel the mystery of The Glades, but only succeeds in putting his life – and Maddy’s — in danger. The Glades is a spellbinding potboiler that keeps readers holding there breath up to the very end.

Megan Davidson, Author of The Thundering 

  John Netti’s second novel, The Glades, follows detective Maddy Reynolds from his first novel Cupid into her retirement at a newly-built home in New York’s Adirondack Mountains. Netti shows us that fate can’t be denied and that evil is everywhere, even in the pristine nature of Upstate New York.

      The action picks up right away as Maddy concludes her last case from the Utica Police Department despite her attempt to leave the world of murder and danger behind. Tension builds immediately on November 10, 1983, and continues through the conclusion in November 1984.  Time is marked by dates before each chapter, moving back and forth through time and place. Using this device, Netti introduces disparate events and characters met in Cupid: Amber, Jody, Maddy’s Utica colleagues, and introduces new characters, brother and sister Hector and AJ, beautiful albino Naomi, and the ambitious criminal entrepreneur, Avery Jordan.  Naomi and Avery run The Glades, an exclusive private club on a mountain top near Maddy’s new home. Thoroughly evil, Jordan has sold his soul at the Crossroads; his time has almost expired. At The Glades, power, money, and sex are meant to pay off his contract.

    Piece by piece, Netti weaves these characters into a complete narrative of sex trafficking, corrupt politicians, murder, and the inevitable draw of righteousness and justice.  As the story unfolds, the tension builds, and the reader eagerly reads to find out what will happen to the characters we care for and the ones we abhor. The pace is quick, making the book hard to put down: who will die, who will survive, will justice be served?

     These questions are resolved through Netti’s fast-paced storytelling, the characters he creates, and reflections on good versus evil. Maddy’s father’s badge is her talisman which compels her, perhaps even fates her, to fight for justice, to right wrongs, to defeat evil, for “ Hell is empty, and all the devils are here,” as Netti quotes Shakespeare at the outset of this novel.

     The Glades is an exciting and compelling read, although one wonders why a self-reliant single woman must find romance as the narrative concludes. Perhaps the connection between Maddy and Adam is the setup for John Netti’s next novel, which his readers look forward to.

Anne-Marie Ray, Professor of English

The Ledger Reviews

It’s just a ledger. So why are people dying to find it?

During a conference in D.C., retired detective Maddy Reynolds receives a message from a mysterious caller who insists on meeting with her. Maddy, intrigued, follows through, but when she reaches the rendezvous site, she comes upon the wreck of a terrible accident. The victim: her would-be informer. Just what had he intended to tell her?

Back at her home in the Adirondacks, Maddy takes a terrified young woman under her wing, only to witness her death at the hands of a hitman. Maddy dispatches the killer but is left with the question: What ties these three people together?

The answer is a ledger book she discovers hidden inside her home; it contains a complete accounting of all the bigwigs who did business with a vicious human trafficking organization. People will kill to recover this, she thinks and realizes they already have. While trying to preserve the Ledger’s vital information – and to avoid becoming the next target — Maddy finds herself pitted against a ruthless assassin, a relentless sociopath, and members of the Mob.

The Ledger weaves a tale of nonstop action and danger, all at a lightning pace. You’ll read it more than once just to re-experience the excitement.

Megan Davidson, Author of The Thundering

John Netti has thrilled readers once again with The Ledger, the continuing story of Maddy Reynolds in the aftermath of The Glades, wherein Maddy shut down a sex trafficking operation run by Avery Jordan in New York State’s Adirondacks.

Jordan’s record of the high level clients he served, his ledger, is the focus and the object of the novel. Once again, Netti has captured the danger, the fear, and the excitement of the criminal chase. Just as our hero Maddy is drawn into the search for the ledger by a newspaper headline, we are drawn into her adventure through our curiosity and concern.

After a seven-year respite from detective work, Maddy returns to The Glades and to the record of atrocities that took place there: “I can’t believe I feel the need to do this again. It’s who I am. I wish it could have been different, but it’s the way it is.”

From here we join Maddy as she delves into the mystery of the ledger and the safety of Adam, her boyfriend. As we move from Syracuse to San Antonio to Washington with Maddy, we meet new characters and revisit characters we know from The Glades, most notably, the albino Naomi White, Jordan’s evil partner who is willing to kill to keep the ledger; but also FBI Special Agent Hanna Bates who is as intent as Maddy to find it.

Once again, Netti has woven compelling characters, old and new, into a tightly woven mystery and our favorite detective into a can’t-put-down story.

Anne-Marie Ray, Professor of English, State University of New York, BA, MA

Jacobi Park Comments

A slowly rising sense of dread runs through the story until a final crescendo of horror. – Megan Davidson, Author, Beta Reader

The detailed attention given to the dialogs brings all the characters together seamlessly. – Kamdin Bembry, Beta Reader

Netti has the imagination and integrity to write supernatural fiction successfully. Can’t wait for the follow-up. – Dean Robbins, Beta Reader

I wasn’t sure at first that I would like a book about the paranormal, but chapter 3 hooked me. I had a hard time putting it down. – Denise Schneider, Beta Reader 

The author’s writing style makes this book terrifyingly real –  John Macri, Beta Reader

Jacobi Park is an intriguing story that kept my interest from start to finish. – Holly Koeppe, Beta Reader


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